Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Eye of the World... For your eyes!

I was visiting the local B&N tonight, when I came across this! (Yes... I know I plugged B&N, and then provided you with an Amazon link. I'm an equal-opportunity blogger)

Honestly, I've been reading about this graphic novel adaptation of The Eye of the World for years. And I never thought I would ever see it in person. Everything I read seemed to be all talk, plugging, but nothing every released.

 I thumbed through it, smiled at the illustrations, and promptly returned it to the shelf.


Well.. it's Part 1. And I happen to know that, once all parts are out in the open, I will want them in the compiled hardcover version. My new-found practicality, plus a need for some strict budgeting, forces me not to by all individual pieces, as well as the whole.

I'm assuming that, in the run-up to the final volume of Robert Jordan's epic work (that will be co-written superbly by Brandon Sanderson, I might add), we will be seeing the marketing machine pump out these things-- from the e-book artwork appearing on new paperback editions, to the graphic novels releases.

And honestly, I'm okay with that! The new art might serve to draw in another generation of readers (honestly, you do judge a book by its cover).

So, bottom line is this... If you're a Wheel of Time fan, and a graphic novel fan, then this might be something you'd want to check out.

(Image pilfered (with love) from Dragonmount)

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