Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Operation: Slicer is a go!

Just a heads-up to all of you Mass Effect 3 players. Operation: Slicer kicks off this weekend!

The target? Banshees. 3 million (yeah... that's 3,000,000) of 'em. This is all players combined, across all platforms. The last time there was an operation, it was 1 million phantoms. The community killed 1.5 million.

Twice as many banshees, which are a helluva lot harder to kill than phantoms!

Better get practicing!

Additionally, if your squad can make it to full extraction on Gold (any settings, as long as it's Gold), then you're up for a Commendation Pack.

The Banshee genocide will net everyone a Victory Pack.

Do you have a strategy for taking down banshees? Put it in the comment section below!

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