Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Halo 4 Limited Edition? Yes, please!

Today, Bungie-- I mean, 343 Industries-- announced a couple of things. First of all, they revealed the Halo 4 cover art (which can be found here, in all its glory).

I have to say, that excited me quite a bit. Awesome artwork!

Then, while we were content in all our nerd warmth, they dropped the second bit of knowledge on us.

The Limited Edition. (Italicized for added emphasis)

Previous Halo titles let all of nerdkind choose between the Limited and Legendary Editions. But alas, this is no longer Bungie's baby. No Legendary Edition this times, kids. Just a Limited Edition that looks very solid.

Retailing at $99.99 (plus tax), it seems a pretty good package. Hit the link for more information.

Halo 4 Limited Edition.

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